Revision Techniques – Tips and tricks
Revision is something us students simply can’t avoid, but we can make it more bearable by exploring different methods and listening to some tips to make it more effective.
Everyone finds different revision methods that work for them, and they can also differ from subject to subject.
- Writing notes is essential whilst studying, and they don’t have to be boring!
- Write rough notes in class and then rewrite them at home. Ensure that you understand the information before starting. Condense the information, use different colours, highlight key points and draw diagrams to make them more appealing to look at.
- Type up your notes in as much detail as possible. You can print them out or just have them as an extra copy to refer to.
Mind maps
- Summarise a topic or chapter by condensing it onto a mind map, this way all of the information will be in one place.
- Plan the mind map before starting, draw a rough sketch of what should go where so you aren’t left with gaps or information crammed into small spaces. Start in the middle and work your way outwards.
- Use different colours to identify different topics within chapters.
- Condense the information, there’s no point in copying the information word by word. Put it in your own words.
- Write out questions and answers on flashcards, you can buy them as index cards or make them yourself. It’s a good way to test your knowledge.
- Make sets for each chapter within a unit so you can easily reach for them.
- Get someone else to test you and reshuffle the cards so you aren’t memorising the order.
Study Tips
Start early
Don’t leave revision until last minute. Cramming won’t enable you to remember all of the information, and it’ll leave you feeling overwhelmed. Make your revision resources as you learn the topics, and refer to them on a regular basis so you don’t forget the information.
Establish a study schedule
Plan when you’re going to sit down and revise, even if it’s just for an hour every evening. Try to stick to a schedule and get into the routine of studying. Remember to give yourself regular breaks!
Be creative
Explore different revision methods, incorporate different styles of writing, different colours and draw diagrams. Be creative and you’ll produce an outcome that you’ll want to look at.
You don’t need to spend a lot of money on resources, but they can make a huge difference. Invest in a decent notebook that works for you and get some coloured pens.
Make sure you understand a topic when you’re learning it. Don’t brush it off and say you’ll go back to it. Spend some time reading over the content, watching videos and completing practice questions until you’re comfortable with it. It’ll save you time when it comes to exam season. Complete past papers too, it’ll show your knowledge of the unit as a whole.
Have a goal or an ambition. What are you studying towards? Use that as a motivating factor in order to get some revision done and smash your exams.

That’s all the revision methods and tips I have. I hope this post inspires some of you to explore different methods to aid your revision and make it more enjoyable.
Good luck with the revision!
This text is written by Zoestudies for Whitelines. Instagram: Zoestudies